What the Pros Use - Cameron Pilley
This month's Player Profile focuses on Cameron Pilley, one of the top players on the PSA world tour for a number of years and 3 time Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist. Having met with Cam on a couple of occasions, I can confirm that he is most definitely a top, top guy. I'm not just saying that because he helped me with this profile!
Although Cam is officially the hardest hitter in the world, there's definitely more to his game than just being able to hit the ball hard. Cam has great hands and is as capable as most at feathering in the odd cross court drop nick. Unlike many non pro players, and especially juniors, who see it as badge of honour to break strings (before remembering that restrings cost money!), Cam ideally likes to restring before the strings break, realising that a broken string equates to a dropped point, or even dropped game/match!
As a stringer, it’s always interesting to find out a little more about the top players and their racket setup. On social media, you’ll read a lot about dropping string tension to early 20’s or even to Gaultier territory (16lbs) to achieve more power. Cameron strings at 26lbs, which is a fairly standard tension; proving that you can set up a string for power and control and still melt the ball... if your timing and technique is good!

Hope you enjoy
Name: Cameron Pilley Highest World Ranking: 11 Biggest Achievements: 3 x Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist. R/Up Hong Kong Open 2015. R/Up World Series Finals, Dubai 2016 Coach: Myself Racket Sponsor: Karakal Racket Models: Cam Pilley Signature Series - T 120 FF String Sponsor: Karakal String Model: Evolution 115 String Tension (average): 26lbs Other Sponsors: Healthy People (Health food/juice company) & Squash Australia How often do you break strings?: I usually restring them just before they break - can't risk losing a point because the strings break! Hero squash player(s): Never really had a hero growing up but I loved watching the likes of Jonathon Power, Rod & Brett Martin and Jansher Khan Describe your playing style in 3 words: Technique and timing What do you like about the current strings you use? They are very durable for such a thin string, yet give me the feel for the ball I'm after. If you could change anything about your game, what would you change? Even after 17 years as a pro I'm still making subtle changes to my game. Nothing major, just subtleties. What do you get up to when not on the squash court? I still travel a lot so I spend as much time as I can with my wife Line and daughter Karla when I'm home. Apart from that, I follow the South Sydney Rabbitohs (Rugby League) very closely and I also enjoy coffees, beers, going for walks. If you weren’t a pro squash player, what would you do for a job? I always wanted to be a professional sports person. I ended up going with squash but I think I would have continued with either golf or cricket if not squash. Who do you buddy up with most on tour? Cuskelly most of the time (grew up quite close to each other), Selby, Mueller, Rosner, Borja. What sports would you want your kids playing when they grow up? I really don't mind. Seeing as you’ve already taken a lump out of your brothers back already, who’s next on the hit list? Although I've had people volunteer at different exhibitions I've done over the years, it won't be happening again! And lastly... who’s the next hardest hitter on the Tour? Consistently hardest - Mosaad, Dessouky and for 'one off' hitting - Mosaad, Borja, Mo Shorbagy.