2024 Squash Stringing Review
I dive into the trends and stats behind 2024's squash stringing activity.

2023 Squash Stringing Review
2023 was another big year of stringing for me, with a few tournaments dotted about, including the wonderful Optasia PSA in Wimbledon...

2022 Squash Stringing Review
2022 Squash Stringing Review. We talk tensions, reasons for restrings, trends and solutions!

Tennis - The Right String Set Up
As I’m about to restring my 100th tennis racket since tennis was restarted during COVID19, I thought it would be good to write some...

Player Profile - Daryl 'Bobby Dazzler' Selby
Daryl 'Bobby Dazzler' Selby talks to the String Doctor!

UNSQUASHABLE Tour-Tec Pro 1.18 Neon Yellow
A review of UNSQUASHABLE's latest Tour-Tec Pro 1.18 Neon Yellow string.

End Of Year Stringing Stats (Squash)!
This year I've strung somewhere in the region of 750 - 800 rackets, with around 500+ being squash rackets. As I've strung a few rackets,...

Eye Rackets/Shoes - What's Your Favourite?
Eye are one of the most innovative rackets brands on the market, producing edgy, and sometimes divisive products, for players who want...

Flashy Lights, Lightning Movement
I’ve recently returned from Spain, where I spent two and a half weeks with the family, taking a well earned rest! As with previous trips...

New Rackets or New Strings?
Having chatted with a few players, coaches and fellow stringers over the last few months, there seems to be a growing trend… Racket sales...