Workshops & Challenging Patterns
I consider about 50% of squash frame/patterns to be standard patterns like all those traditional smaller headed open throat Models seen from nearly every manufacturer, like the Dunlop Hotmelt pro or Dunlop elite, harrow vibe,stealth and vapor etc also those larger longer headed Closed throat rackets like the carboflexes available from many brands.
The remaining 50% are all the rest with more challenging patterns that can take a bit of thinking about. Prince powering rackets of which there are about 5 different patterns in the premium models, Tecnifibre, karakal, pro kennex and wilson also have a version of ring or wrap around frame plus several more including the generic fan pattern rackets with 6 or 8 shared holes at the throat.
Don't refer to closed throats rackets as teardrop which they usually are but look at Nicol David's Wilson Blade Countervail which is teardrop and open throated. Also Nick Matthew's Dunlop Evolution and all Powering and Arch power rackets, all are teardrop but have open throats.
Added to those Head introduced some models last year with Adaptive Fan Pattern (AFP) technology, those rackets can be strung either straight of as a fan without changing the grommets! Some are teardrop others open throat.
For any Stringers thar may be interested, I run a training workshop covering every non-standard squash racket which has been well received in a few European locations, get in touch with myself or Jon Sharpe as we are looking to put one together this summer with the option for anyone interested to take a formal test to become professionally qualified. However you can be tested later or take the training only if that's your preference.
I've been stringing on the PSA world tour for over 12 years, I'm the training manager for squash for the European Racquet Stringers Association (ERSA) and Certification Tester. There are 7 levels of qualification enabling pro Stringers to have aims and goals and to follow a career path. Currently I am the only Master Pro Tour Stringer for squash worldwide in the organisation. The last three qualifications up the ladder are all Pro-Tour related and require certain pre-requisites before attempting the tests. Additionally I am a member of the Society for Education and Training and have achieved Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills Status. I'm a member of the International Alliance of Racquet Tehnicians and have been a speaker and seminar leader at their annual conference in the USA?